J.S. Bach: Cantata No.100, BWV 100 “Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan” (first movement)
Zumaya: Celebren, Publiquen
J.S. Bach: Easter Oratorio, BWV 249
J.S. Bach: Cantata No.147, BWV 147 “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”
This is the inaugural program of a multi-year project in celebration of the music and influence of J.S. Bach, a composer who stands at the fountainhead of Western classical music and whose influence on the history of music is as profound as any musician who has ever lived.
We will be performing his joyous Easter Oratorio together with the San Antonio Chamber Choir and The Children’s Chorus of San Antonio. You will also enjoy other magnificent works from the Baroque period, including Manuel de Zumaya’s Celebren, Publiquen.