Make a Donation
The San Antonio Philharmonic Asks for Your Support
When you make a gift during our performance season, you join a circle of supporters of the SA Phil who will enjoy unique connections to the orchestra and their work all throughout this exciting season. Thank you for your support of the San Antonio Philharmonic and playing your part to bring symphonic music to the entire San Antonio community!
Make a Donation
The San Antonio Philharmonic Asks for Your Support
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When you make a gift during our performance season, you join a circle of supporters of the SA Phil who will enjoy unique connections to the orchestra and their work all throughout this exciting season. Thank you for your support of the San Antonio Philharmonic and playing your part to bring symphonic music to the entire San Antonio community!
What Donors Make Possible
Alive with the power beauty of beloved classics, the season brings enchanting masterworks and more. In addition to a 10-production Classics series, and many outreach events, the Philharmonic presents dozens of performances at public high school auditoriums across San Antonio. In the 2022-23 and 2023-24 seasons nearly 200 schools sent classes and an estimated audience of over 32,000 elementary school students to our Young Person’s Concerts. Join us in a landmark experience.
Giving Circles
When you make a gift of at least $100, you join the Circle of Friends of the SA Phil.
Friends of the SA Phil receive updates with behind-the-scenes insights to upcoming programs, musician and conductor interviews, and other special happenings at the Phil! Additional benefits are offered at the following Friends of the SA Phil levels:
- Listing as a Friends of the SA Phil in special announcements.
- Friends of the SA Phil donor rehearsal – 2 to 4 scheduled per season.
- Listing as a Friends of the SA Phil in special announcements.
- Friends of the SA Phil donor rehearsal – 2 to 4 scheduled per season with backstage meet and greet.
- Invitation to Friends of the Phil weekend pre-concert appreciation reception.
When you make a gift of at least $1,000 during the 2023-2024 season, you join a circle of supporters of the SA Phil who enjoy unique connection to the orchestras and their work and special social activities together all throughout the season! As our thank you, you’ll also receive:
- Curated communications and reminders regarding exclusive upcoming events, concerts, and gatherings.
- Invitation to season opener and closing receptions with musicians, guest artists and conductors.
- Access to select Classics Musicians Circle Open rehearsals and Young Peoples’ Concerts open house visits.
- Early access to the subscription purchases during the 2024-25 Season Subscription period.
- Exclusive access to the Unity Bridge Lounge area with unique refreshments and social offerings throughout the season.
Be a part of the SA Phil Musicians Circle family at the following levels with associated benefits unique to the exciting 2022-2023 inaugural season:
Orchestra Level
- Recognition as a Musicians Circle Orchestra level supporter in special announcements.
Section Level
- Recognition as a Section Level donor in special announcements with option of naming an orchestra section of your choice.
Musician Level
- Priority access to the subscription purchases during the 2024-2025 Season Subscription period with access to reserved seating in the hall (limited availability)
- Recognition as a Musician Level donor in the season program book with option for naming of a musician of your choice.
- Priority access to the subscription purchases during the 2024-2025 Season Subscription period with access to reserved seating in the hall (limited availability).
Principal Level
- Recognition as a Principal Level donor in special announcements with option for naming of a musician of your choice or recognition as a co-sponsor of one concert program.
- Priority access to the subscription purchases during the 2024-25 Season Subscription period with access to select premiere seating in the hall (limited availability).
Artist Level
$10,000 – $24,999
- Backstage meet-and-greet with musicians during Musicians Circle open rehearsals, with priority access to the sponsored artist rehearsal
- Recognition as an Artist Level donor with option for unique sponsor of a guest conductor or artist (limited to select conductors and artists) in special announcements.
- Priority access to the subscription purchases during the 2024-25 Season Subscription period with access to select premiere seating in the hall (limited availability).
- Backstage meet-and-greet with musicians during Musicians Circle open rehearsals, with priority access to the sponsored artist rehearsal.
Join the SA Philharmonic in building a new era for orchestral music in San Antonio! The Founders Circle is a unique opportunity, only available during the first two seasons, to be recognized as a founding member as part of SA Philharmonic’s history.
Founders Circle members enjoy:
- Curated communications and reminders regarding exclusive upcoming events, concerts, and gatherings.
- Priority access to the subscription purchases during the 2024-25 Season Subscription period with access to select reserved seating in the hall (limited availability).
- Invitation to season opener and closing receptions with musicians, guest artists and conductors.
- Access to select Classics Musicians Circle Open rehearsals and Young People’s Concerts open house visits.
- Exclusive access to the Unity Bridge Lounge area with unique refreshment and social offerings.
Founders Circle Members enjoy the following recognition opportunities during this exciting inaugural season:
$25,000 – Concert Sponsorship
- Recognition as a Concert Sponsor for one of Classics or Young People’s Concert programs (two concerts) in special announcements and during sponsored concert announcements.
- Access for four people for a backstage meet-and-greet with musicians during a sponsored concert rehearsal.
- Twelve complimentary tickets in select reserved seating and reserved parking for the sponsored events.
- Backstage meet-and-greet with musicians and guest artists and conductors on one night of the sponsored concert events.
$50,000 – Program Sponsorship
- Recognition as a Concert Sponsor for one of Classics or Young People’s Concert programs (two concerts) in program book and during sponsored concert announcements.
- Recognition as the Concert Sponsor for the selected program. Access for six people for a backstage meet-and-greet with musicians during a sponsored concert rehearsal.
- Access for Twenty-five guests to join in hall seating during the sponsored concert rehearsal.
- Twenty-five complimentary tickets and reserved parking for the sponsored events.
- Reception with musicians and guest artists and conductors on one night of the sponsored concert events.
At the Gold and Platinum levels, we welcome you to contact us for opportunities to support Concert or Education Series programs and other capital needs with unique recognition offering and tailored benefit packages. Please contact the Development Department at (210) 201-6009 or email
Why Give?
We are dedicated to preserving the legacy of symphonic music in San Antonio. We acknowledge the legacy of composers and artists who bring a genre of music that resonates with shared human experiences throughout history. We strive to create a new sense of awe and inspiration in the lives of everyone who hears a live performance by presenting this music to our highest artistic capacity.
To cultivate the next generation of artists and music enthusiasts, we offer 34 education concerts in area schools and conducts in-school presentations and performances. Research demonstrates that learning to play an instrument and engage in arts activities enhances a child’s educational success and inspires life-long musical pursuits that can enrich and empower their lives.
How to Donate
Donate Online
Whether it’s a one-time or recurring donation, your generous support contributes to SA Phil’s ability to provide exceptional performances and events for the community.
Make an online donation now
Mail a Check
Please print and include this form when remitting your gift. Donation by check may be made out to “San Antonio Philharmonic” and remitted to:
ATTN: Development Department
San Antonio Philharmonic
1314 Guadalupe Street, Suite 201
San Antonio, TX 78207
Contact for More Info
For more information on how you can support the San Antonio Philharmonic, contact the Development Department at 210-201-6009 or email