Tickets And Packages

Season Subscriptions

2025-2026 Season Subscriptions coming soon, sign up to be the first to receive information.

Individual Events

Individual tickets are available for all current season performances.

Join us on an upcoming Friday or Saturday evening to experience the stunning sounds of SA Phil.

Check out our FAQ page for tips on planning your evening! 

Subscribers may enter the performance space 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the audience to find their seat.

Scottish Rite Auditorium Seating

Scottish Rite Seating Section Map

Season Subscription Benefits

Preferred Pricing

Season Subscribers save 15% with preferred pricing on their season concert tickets. Choose a Friday or Saturday evening subscription and experience the benefits.

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Ticket Flexibility


Did your Friday evening fill up or perhaps you just need a night in to recharge? Don’t worry, your Season Subscription includes free ticket exchanges so you’re able to switch performance days to best fit your schedule! Attend Saturday evening instead of Friday evening and vice versa for individual concerts.

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Secured Seating

We know having the perfect seat(s) makes all the difference on a special night out. With your Season Subscription you’re able to select your preferred seat(s) for the entire season. Subscribers are also able to request changes to their preferred seating as needed.

Live music, Classics performances, symphony, philharmonic, orchestra, San Antonio, San Antonio Symphony, San Antonio Philharmonic, Orchestra

Early Access

Season Subscribers may enter the concert hall up to 30 minutes earlier than the general public. Take time to find your seat, chat with the usher team, and explore the hall at your leisure prior to the performance.Subscribers may enter the performance space 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the audience to find their seat.

Group Tickets

Please contact our Group Sales Representative for preferred rates for corporate, educational, residential, and affinity groups. We look forward to welcoming your group to a SA Phil concert!.

Student Tickets

A vital part of the SA Phil mission is ensuring financial accessibility to our concerts for students and the larger SA community. You’ll find a limited number of $25 (+ fees) tickets available to all SA Phil concerts. Keep an eye out for special promotions like buy-one-get-one free tickets based on availability.